General Meeting Topic – August 2020

August 19, 2020, at 7:00 PM

Saving Your Life with Wearable Technology

Presenter: Ron Brown, Member of the APCUG Speaker’s Bureau

Join us via Zoom as Ron Brown, member of the APCUG Speakers Bureau, presents this month’s presentation. We are going to learn all about “Saving Your Life with Wearable Technology.”

This presentation looks at common medical problems seniors encounter and how wearable technology can help identify and prevent emergencies. Ron Brown is a retired family physician with 35 years of experience. He uses a fictitious patient to show you that serious problems can occur quickly. He then discusses how new technology, developed recently, is used to alert us to health issues. Part One focuses on “Heart Problems.” He will evaluate the new Apple Watch and cardiac monitoring devices.

To learn more about Ron Brown, please visit his website,

The following text is from the APCUG website,

I would like to be known as a retired technologist. My career started as a Flight Surgeon after having graduated in Medicine at the University of Alberta in 1976. In 1981, we settled in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island and I left the military to start a Family Practice. PC’s were just being produced and Microsoft Windows was going to integrate everything. I wanted an electronic office and bought interest in a start-up software company in Calgary that made an Electronic Patient Record. As my Family Practice grew so did our software company.  Over the next 20 years it grew into an International Company and had me traveling across Canada and the US giving papers at many conferences. The topics ranged from patient management, lab integration, security, and data input.

At 55, our two children were well on their way in their own careers and my wife really wanted to get to know me. I retired and sold my medical practice and other business interests.  We bought a 36 foot 5th wheel and traveled as “Full Timers” for two years.  For a variety of reasons, we ended up in Silveridge Resort in Mesa Arizona and bought a home without wheels. For the past seven years we have made many friends and become involved in our new community. I became program director for a very active Computer Club that now has a membership of about 200. I love technology and spend my spare time doing presentations at Resorts in the East Valley and teaching a variety of programs in our resort. I have 10 prepared presentations on a variety of topics and would be happy to be a guest speaker.