Learning Linux Online
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Where: In-Person & via Zoom
Columbus Metropolitan Library, Hilliard Branch
Hilliard Room
4500 Hickory Chase Way
Hilliard, OH 43026
Presented by Sharan Kalwani, APCUG Speaker’s Bureau & SouthEastern Michigan Computer Organization (SEMCO)
The APCUG Speaker’s Bureau webpage provided the text below.
In this talk, we will do a panoramic sweep of the vast set of online Linux learning resources. After doing several months of cherry-picked SIG Linux topics, it is time to see what other resources are out there available to folks who are keen to explore this on their own. Some are free and some are worth the price, of course, we will point out the overrated ones as well.