Author Archives: Kenneth Tubaugh

No General Meeting in December 2023 – Happy Holidays!

To honor the holiday season, the volunteers of the Columbus Computer Society will be on hiatus during the month of December. In lieu of a General Meeting on December 20th, please join us for a holiday dinner. Who? Family, Friends, Members, and Supporters of CCS What? Holiday Dinner 2023 When? Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 p.m. Where? TBD – Vote Here & RSVP Why? Because We Like to Eat!

RESCHEDULED – General Meeting Topic – November 2023

Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Presented by Bill James, APCUG Speaker’s Bureau & Computer Club of Oklahoma City The text below was provided by the APCUG Speaker’s Bureau webpage. In the early days of networking, the term modem was used to describe a device that transformed speech into analog signals (and vice versa) to be transmitted over telephone lines. This presentation will discuss Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi and how to set up your devices for the best performance since we all want Continue reading →

General Meeting Topic – October 2023

Cybersecurity from A to Z – 2023 Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Presented by Bob Gostischa, APCUG Speaker’s Bureau & Avast Security Evangelist Cybersecurity ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and systems. This means protecting against unauthorized access or modification of data, ensuring that systems are available for use when needed, and maintaining the privacy of information. Sit back and let Bob provide you with the information needed so you can use best practices to stay secure. The 24 slides and videos will give you all the Continue reading →