Author Archives: Kenneth Tubaugh

General Meeting Topic – August 2018

August 15, 2018 at 7:00 PM Medium and Hi-End Digital Cameras Presenter: Craig Wright Discussed various features of medium and hi-end cameras. Specifically we discussed the Canon EOS 80D camera and some of the available lenses. We also briefly discussed cameras from Nikon including the T-1000 camera. We also discussed how to make a light box (sometimes called a tent) to allow high quality photography of small items such as art projects and small items that you might want to sell on sites such as Continue reading →

General Meeting Topic – July 2018

July 18, 2018 at 7:00 PM Password Management Presenter: Kenneth Tubaugh Discussed various password management tools. Many of these tools are available for multiple hardware platforms such as Windows computers, Apple Computers, iOS devices (iPad and iPhone), and Android phones and tablets.

General Meeting Topic – May 2018

May 16, 2018 at 7:00 PM Social Media for the Non-Tweeter Presenter: Pam Holland (Web Presentation) Even if you have not yet ventured into the world of Social Media, there is much to learn about how it is shaping communication in personal relationships, business, government and, of course, politics. Pam will give us a tour of and critical look at the most popular social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We will explore the benefits – and risks – in using these sites for Continue reading →